The misanthropic and absurd logic of the capitalist economy“Real” Value: Comments on the “Labor Theory of Value” and the Wealth of Capitalist Society
Why labor as the source and measure of value is nothing to celebrate“v” – The sum of money in capitalism which is the basis for the production, growth and distribution of wealth
Marx’s arguments against wage laborMarxism – Adaptation Lessons or Criticism?
Completely basic misunderstandings in which both the East and the West are in agreementLenin: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Topical but falseThe National Question in the Workers’ Movement
An error makes historyKeyword: Forces and Relations of Production
The stupidest laws of Marxism-Leninism4 Theses on Rosa Luxemburgís Theory of Imperialism
Imperialism is not a stopgap for capital’s inability to grow!What One Learns in School about Marxism
Capitalism can’t exist without lies – another argument against itHow Not To Do Another “New Reading” of Marx’s Capital
On An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital by Michael HeinrichAll that can be done with Marx!
The leftist controversy over the most radical view of humanityThe decline of the West – turned to the left
Critique of Robert Kurz and the Krisis Group